Safe, Clean Water
Affordable rates
for everyone!

I raised my family in Woodinville since 1994, and understand it is important to have safe, clean, water and affordable rates for all.
My experience in water service goes back three decades when I started working for Seattle Public Utilities. I was responsible for launching the Saving Water Partnership initiative and worked with Woodinville Water District to ensure safe, clean water and kept rates low.
My expertise in water was recognized internationally and I was sent to help the country of Jordan on behalf of USAID.
As Deputy Administrator to Renton’s Mayor, I negotiated contracts for the city to ensure drinking water and wastewater rates were the lowest in the region.
As your Commissioner, I will work diligently to represent your needs and make wise fiscal decisions while the District is negotiating contracts to secure water for the next 60 years.
Provide Safe, Clean, Water
Secure our water supply for next 60 years; ensure safe wastewater disposal
Serve Our Community
Affordable rates, low-income options, equity and inclusion
Bring Leadership and Collaboration
Regional partnerships and opportunities
Invest in Infrastructure
Stewardship of public resources and our capital investments
Protect Our Environment
Saving Water Partnership, environmental sustainability climate change
Check out this great video
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